It's here.
Whoever put you in the ant farm last time is not too happy you’ve escaped. And this time… things got real.
Map Rules:
-Do not break any blocks in the center area.
-Only take achievement rewards in the center area once you’ve completed them.
-Don’t leave the Ant Cube until you get to that achievement.
-Don’t break the ant cube’s inner wall’s glass layer.
-Don’t use water in the Nether Zone
-Only exchange items that you are supposed to exchange with the villagers.
Rank 1
•Make an Iron Golem
•Make full Diamond Armor and Tools
•Make a base / house
•Get a Hardcore Dungeon medal on first try, without dying
Rank 2
•Make the Nether Fortress safe and loot it
•Brew a Splash Potion of Regeneration II
•Make a gunpowder farm
•Make a renewable coin source
Rank 3
•Complete the Medal Room
•Destroy all spawners on top of the Ant Cube
•Place the dragon egg on its shrine on the very top
•(Optional) Enter the Forbidden Ant Farm
Think you can brave the Forbidden Ant Farm?
Achievements for FAF are found here.
Download link on the main page!
The Extreme Ant Farm is part of the AFS Trilogy.
Featured YouTube LPs
AntVenom BrenyBeast Bowlington RuneShark KBDProductions Tannah