Feared by the bravest players, dreaded by the hardest YouTubers.
The Forbidden Ant Farm is proved again and again to be a demonically unforgiving challenge.
•Make an Ender Chest
•Make the Forbidden Ant Farm safe
•Find all rogue shops
•Complete the Simmered Cave, and get the Forbidden Pickaxe.
•Complete the Withering Catacombs, and get the Forbidden Wand.
•Complete the Tomb of Demons, and get the Forbidden Blade.
•Find the Mechanite Forge and get the Quasar Sword.
Extra Rule
•Don’t dig your way to the end of the Forbidden Dungeons. Come on, you got this!
Need a hand in the Forbidden Ant Farm? Check out the Official Guide.
Download link on the main page!
The Forbidden Ant Farm is part of the AFS Trilogy.
(To access the Forbidden Ant Farm, you must first complete the Extreme Ant Farm.)